Then, by means of the energy balance relation, a new cohesive stress law of Mode I crack is obtained which is only concerned with the surface energy density within the cohesive zone. 然后,利用能量平衡关系,得到仅与表面能密度相关的I型裂纹内聚力新的本构方程。
In addition, the lateral resistance of the Holocene cohesive soil and the upper Pleistocene silt can be determined according to the code directly based on the origin liquidity index of density. 全新统粘性土、上更新统粉土侧阻力可据实测液化指数或密实度直接按桩基规范选取。
The dependence of polymer cohesive energy density on temperature 聚合物内聚能密度对温度的依赖性
Distribution of shear strength parameters of remolded unsaturated cohesive soil is regular in moisture state and density state but is not easy to be expressed by simple function. 试验结果表明:在水分状态和密度状态空间,该重塑非饱和粘性土抗剪强度参数的分布具有明显的规律性,但这种规律性不易用简单函数表达。
The dependence of amorphous polymer cohesive energy density on temperature is studied. 本文对无定形聚合物的内聚能密度的温度依赖性进行了研究。
Based on the bond energy model of nanoparticles and the relationship between cohesive energy and vacancy formation energy, the expressions for the vacancy formation energy and the vacancy density of nanoparticles have been derived. 基于纳米微粒结合能的键模型,再根据结合能和空位形成能的关系,推导出了计算自由表面纳米微粒空位形成能和空位浓度的计算公式。
Prediction of the VLE for the C_9-DMP System Based on Cohesive Energy Density 内聚能密度法预测C9-DMP体系的汽液平衡
Discussion on the cohesion of soil changing with water content, cohesive soil content and dry density 土体内聚力随含水量、粘粒含量及干密度变化关系探讨
With mathematical statistics method to design computer model and analyze the results of numerical simulation, the sensitivity of rock mass mechanics parameters ( elastic modulus E, Poisson ratio μ, cohesive force C, density ρ and friction angle φ) influencing stope stability is studied. 采用正交实验方法设计计算方案,对影响围岩稳定性的内在物理力学参数(弹性模量E、泊松比μ、粘结力C、密度ρ以及内摩擦角φ)的灵敏度进行了有限元数值模拟分析。
The effect of the content of chlorine in CPE on its glassy change temperature, cohesive energy density, solubility parameter and the physical-mechanical properties of CPE/ magnetic powder composite was studied by elementary analysis and DSC. 通过元素分析和DSC测定研究了CPE的含氯量对其玻璃化转变温度、内聚能密度和溶解度参数、以及CPE/磁粉复合材料性能的影响。
The research results show that the incipient motion and the erosion of cohesive deposits are greatly influenced by the dry bulk density. 研究结果表明:干容重对粘性淤积物起动和冲刷的影响非常大。
The solubility parameters derived from the cohesive energy density ( CED) of each amorphous cell system at different co-melting temperatures were calculated with the molecule modeling analysis module. 经过对分子运动轨迹数据的分析,计算出不同温度下的无定形模型的内聚能密度(CED),进而计算出溶解度参数.心排血量(CO);
The results showed that the higher the chlorinity, the higher the Tg temperature of CPE, as well as the cohesive energy density and solubility parameter that had relation to intermolecular force; 结果表明,含氯量越高的CPE其玻璃化转变温度也越高;与分子链间作用力有关的内聚能密度和溶解度参数也越大;
The sensitivity analysis of soil parameter has been conducted, the calculation result shows that except the yield criterions, cohesive force and frictional angle, the dilation angle and the density mesh of the FEM is also the influencing factors on the safety factor. 文中分析了土体参数对评价土坡稳定性的影响,发现除屈服准则、粘聚力和内摩擦角外,土体的剪胀角和网格划分密度对强度折减技术分析土坡稳定性也有影响。
A new solubility parameter thereby defined equals to the cohesive energy density of the liquid divided by the square root of internal pressure. 据此,定义了1个新的溶解度参数,它等于液体的内聚能密度除以内压的开方根。
After that the density, diffusion coefficient, cohesive energy density, freezing point and viscosity of JP-10 and quadricyclane were simulated. The results show good agreements with literature data. 然后对JP-10,四环庚烷进行分子动力学模拟,计算了燃料的密度、扩散系数、内聚能密度、冰点及粘度,模拟结果与文献值基本相符。
In the landfill engineering, the barrier layer of cohesive soil is the natural barrier for garbage treatment, and the nature, density and thickness of cohesive soil layer directly decides whether the landfill can pollute groundwater and the degree of its pollution. 在垃圾填埋工程中,粘土防渗层是垃圾处置的天然屏障,粘土层的性质、密度、厚度直接决定垃圾填埋场能否污染地下水及其污染的程度。
VMA can improve the cohesive nature of the mixture, has a certain influence of strength and pore structure. ( 3) Self-compacting concrete has higher density in the porous structure compaction than ordinary concrete, and its pore size distribution is different with ordinary concrete. 增粘剂可以明显改善拌和物的粘聚性,对拌和物的强度和微孔构造有一定影响。(3)自密实混凝土在微孔构造方面较普通混凝土密实,其孔径分布也与普通混凝土存在差别。